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sermon tied the Collect, Epistle and Gospel together and talked, as is oft the case,
of the need for action, not simply diction.
Consider the words of the Collect, “…grant thy people
grace to withstand the temptations of the world, the flesh, and the devil; and
with pure hearts and minds to follow thee, the only God …”
When you hear the word GRACE, what do you think of?
Heavenly dispensation;
A gift freely granted;
The free and unmerited favor of God, as manifested in the
salvation of sinners and the bestowal of blessings.
The word can be any of these, it comes from Middle
English: via Old French from Latin gratia, from gratus ‘pleasing, thankful’ and
is related to grateful.
In this case we are asking God’s help, for which He
charges nothing, except our faith and loyalty to Him, to withstand the
temptations of this world. We ask
for help to withstand what?
Actually, what we are looking for is help to not follow our own devices
and desires. This seems like an
odd request, until one considers the fact that our own devices and desires are
the root of all of our troubles. We are naturally inclined to the sinful things
that separate us from Our Lord. We are simply requesting help in combating the
evil desires of our heart that would separate us for all eternity if they were
left unchecked. We are simply asking for help to make His Will our will. To help us to do what will make us
happy and not just what makes us temporarily happy but permanently happy, which
boils down to following His Word.. For we know that we ourselves will not do
what His Will is on our own volition, but rather we must ask that God plant the
seed of His Will on our hearts so that we will do it.
Paradoxically, we are asking for help to do not what we
want, but what is best for us. There is a difference between what we want, and
what is best for us, as there is a difference between the words want and need.
What we want and what is best for us are not necessarily interchangeable. We are asking God’s Help to make us
want to do what He wants us to do, so that not only will we have “fun”, but be
happy! For, being happy is far
more important and helps our spiritual lives more than the temporary state of
fun. Fun will only last a few moments, happiness will last forever. There is a
distinct difference between the two states of being. Fun is short lived while
happiness can carry on through periods of time be it days, month or years. On the surface, it does not really seem
all that reasonable, but here we are imperfect creatures with free will! The
free will sometimes or rather most of the time seems more like a curse than a
blessing, at least to me. For I feel that with it, I am more tempted to go the
wrong way than the right way, but when I go the right way, it then comes to me
that it is a blessing.
Using it properly to follow God’s will, is what free will
was intended by God to lead us to. He intended for us to follow Him willingly
without any coercion whatsoever. He wants each and every one of us to come to
His throne willingly and with all of our heart souls and mind for Him.
So, when Paul writes the people of Corinth, it is not
just them, but us for whom he thanks God we have been the beneficiaries of His
Grace, that through Jesus we might have salvation, that through Jesus our sins
would in the end be forgiven. We
are not made perfect by Jesus.
That is a common misconception by non-Christians. It would be convenient if we were made
perfect. This is an issue that is
sorely needed to be addressed in today’s church, to combat the misperceptions
of the non-Christians. The common complaint most non-Christians have of
Christians is that we have a holier than thou attitude. There may be some
indeed that have this attitude. But for the most part, they are confusing our
righteous judgment of the world’s behavior with a holier than thou attitude. But
they do not see that we realize that we are not perfect, but we are striving
for perfection. And there would be
no point behind Christianity if that we had been made perfect. Would we have to
have a “New Testament” if we were molded into cookie cutter perfection? If this
was so, then there would be no need for the letters of Saint Paul, James, Peter
and John to the early church, for they as us, would have no need of them. If we
were made perfect, then there would be no strife in the word today I believe,
and thus no reason to even have any of the parables that Jesus gave. This is simply not so! While we are
accounted as perfect before God in the final judgment, we are not perfect at
all. If anything, we are more
conscious of our imperfection.
As a side point, none of us is perfect, none of us is
better than others; however, some of us are clearly worse than others. We
clearly know more than those who do not believe that we are fallen far short of
the goal that He expects from us, being in our fallen state, and we know how
far we have to go to as get close to perfection as we possibly can. We need the
help of the Almighty to travel on this path!
Which takes us to Paul’s next point; if we follow Christ
in both out words and deeds, as the testimony of Christ is confirmed in them,
through our actions, we will be “In every thing ye are enriched by him, in all
utterance, and in all knowledge…”
For by acting on Christ’s words, we not only gain eternal salvation, but
are far more likely to prosper here on earth. This prosperity is not the mega wealth sometimes associated
with “prospering”, but rather the surplus of resources over our worldly desires
and the true happiness that comes from loving and helping others. It will make us far more happy than say
for instance people like Bill Gates, Steve Ballmer, etc, that have far more
money than even they know what to do with, and money cannot provide true
happiness. Only God and Jesus can step in and fill that role, if we let him
into our hearts.
But, not everyone is content to take Jesus at His
Word. After the Sadducees lost
their round with Jesus, the Pharisees, feeling they were superior to the
Sadducees, came together to trip Him up. However, as we know ourselves, one
cannot trick God, and if you try, you will come out looking like a fool. An
expert in the law, of which Pharisees were very fond, asked Him a question,
trying to trick Him, “Master, which is the great commandment in the law?” Jesus answered, “Thou shalt love the
Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou
shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law
and the prophets.” Thus, He provided the Summary of the Law we hear every Holy
The Pharisees made their earthly living by providing
guidance on how to get around the 613 Mosaic Laws with as little inconvenience
as possible. They were astounded
when Jesus boiled the intent of those laws down to two sentences. They were much more comfortable getting
around laws than complying with ones that might inconvenience them. They could
be closely compared to Lawyers today as a matter of fact, in the striking
amount of dishonesty that is in their profession (no offense to the good
Apparently tiring of the game with the Pharisees and
wishing to confound them instead, Jesus asked them, saying, “What think ye of
Christ? Whose son is He?” They say unto him, “The son of David.” For the scripture is clear that He
should be of the House of David.
As God, Jesus has been from the beginning, so he queried them, “How then
doth David in spirit call him Lord, saying, The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit
thou on my right hand, till I make thine enemies thy footstool? If David then
call him Lord, how is he his son?”
Not grasping the concept that God was, is and always will be, they could
not answer and “from that day forth” no one would “ask him any more questions.”
Like I mentioned earlier, the result of their attempt to trick the Son of God
made them look like absolute fools.
There have always been and always will be people who want
to pick nits with the intent of avoiding doing what should be done, thus making
it seems acceptable to do what they want to do. You can see people every day who fill the shoes of the
Pharisees, insisting on complying with arcane and useless rules and regulations
while studiously avoiding doing what God so clearly asks, that is to be a
Christian and do as Christ asks us to do.
People are always going to avoid doing what God wants us to do, that is
in our nature. You can see this as the government attempts to supplement the
rule of God with the rule of man. When a group of men believe that they have
the right to control other humans with the rule of man and disregard the rule
of God, you know that a society is in trouble. Ask Sodom, Gomorrah, Rome, Nazi
Germany, and Imperial Japan how that worked out for them in the end. No country
has ever fared well when it replaces God with the rule of Man. We are to be
Christians, not “good”, to do what God asks, not Go with the Flow! When you think about being a Christian,
think a bit about these quotes from GK Chesterton:
Christianity has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found
difficult and not tried.
The word good has many meanings. For example, if a man were to
shoot his grandmother at a range of five hundred yards, I should call him a
good shot, but not necessarily a good man.
The Bible tells us to love our neighbors, and also to love our
enemies; probably because generally they are the same people.
Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.
A dead thing can go with the stream, but only a living thing can
go against it.
G. K.
Chesterton (1874-1936)
We are called to a new and different life, we ask the
Lord, in His Grace, to lead us and follow us, to keep us always. Our goal is to do the Lord’s will, not
to avoid 613 laws or to replace Him altogether. To do what is right, no matter how hard that may be and be
humble. This is the summary of what the Christian life should be all about.
Action, not diction, is what counts. It is by your actions you are known.
Be of God - Live of God - Act
of God.