The entire AOC Sunday Report may be found RIGHT HERE! |
Sunday, February 22, 2015
First Sunday in Lent
Sermon - Rev Jack Arnold
Church of the Faithful Centurion -
Descanso, California
Today’s sermon brought
the Collect, Epistle and Gospel together and is partly contained in the
forewords above.
Consider these words from the
… Give us grace to use such
abstinence, that, our flesh being subdued to the Spirit we may ever obey thy
godly motions in righteousness, and true holiness, to thy honour and glory …
In the Collect, we ask God to help us to subdue our
natural evil tendencies so that we can live life here His way and honour His
wishes so we can be truly happy.
Without His help, we end up with what we want, not what we need. We are
asking him to help us fight our human nature and follow His divine nature, we
are attempting to replace our nature with that of God’s. It will be a long and
difficult road that we must travel, doing this, but we are going to be much
happier in the long run if we at least try. Do or do not, there is no try, Yoda
is quoted as saying, and I have found it applicable here and in my own life. We
have to act, not just say we are going to act, but we have to actually
physically perform ACTIONS1
Want and Need; two words, used interchangeably in
both our speech and thought that do not mean the same thing. Think about that!
Following the thought of the Collect, Paul asks us to
be worthy of the grace God has given us.
He tells the people when they needed him, he was there. They need to be there for those around
them. They must not frustrate
God’s work by showing up late, or not at all. We have to put in our 110% for
Him, as He sent His Son to die for us and redeem us, so we should truly show
our gratitude for His act, by serving others and performing actions for Him,
with His Help. We are outnumbered
fiercely in this world, by the enemies of God. We are like the men in the Battle of Ia Drang (also related
to being Paul’s message, the sacrifice of Kenneth Ogles and his fellow men in
the Vietnam theatre, as well as those in WWI, WWII and before, and now.), fiercely
outnumbered by the enemy, they did not just sit on their hands and wait for the
enemy to come. They did something about it, they took action, otherwise they
were going to be overrun by the North Vietnamese. We have to always keep
moving, like the article I read this morning about Wally Kaenzig, a 93 year old
man who is one of the last survivors of the Iwo Jima, he said on Iwo, the big
deal was to keep moving so you didn’t get hit. We want to keep moving and avoid
getting hit by the forces of evil, if we are to minister effectively. Like them, we cannot just sit and wait,
else we will be overrun by the Forces of Satan.
Those around us are watching our actions in the time
of testing. God is also watching
us in the time of testing to see how we perform with the talents He has given
us. Make no mistake it is a hard battle we are fighting, against the forces of
wickedness, of the Devil all across the globe. The key to winning this battle
for souls is to never ever ever give up and to trust in God and Dread Naught. We
have been given eternal salvation by Jesus’ sacrifice, the understanding of the
Gospel by the Holy Ghost. We are
at this time dying here on earth, yet progressing towards eternal life in the
next world, in Jesus’ world with His help. While we may never be wealthy here
on earth, our actions can make our fellow Christians wealthy in spirit beyond
If you claim to be a Christian, you know what is
right. If you are a Christian, you
do what is right, you don’t take a vote to see what the right course of action
might be. Right does not change
with public opinion and we must do the right thing. In fact the public opinion
often times is rather in the wrong, see peoples opinions on homosexual marriage
and abortion to reference this. This is because of our fallen nature. We must
go especially against the grain to become Christians. The truth does not
change, as it is the constant that never changes. God is the Truth, The Word
and the Life of this universe. It is our actions that count, in good times or
bad. We are Christ’s ambassadors
to this world; unfortunately we do not have diplomatic immunity.
When the devil attempted to
tempt Christ, he shows how little he knows of Him. If we emulate our Lord, it shows how little the devil will
be able to tempt us with his deceit. If we follow Him we will be able to
withstand any temptation that arises as our Lord showed for us in the desert
2,000 years ago.
Consider how little the devil really offers you and how
much Christ offers, the temptation is ever so much less. The devil is often referred to as the
deceiver or dissimulator. His
forte is deception, he seems one thing, is another. He offers what he has no intention or ability to
deliver. He ignores the inevitable
result of accepting his proffered help or inside track. Jesus has more for us than
the devil can ever hope to offer, the promise of eternal life with Him and His
Father. The devil can never offer us anything close to that. We have to
remember this next time the Deciever comes and tempts us for earthly riches and
treasures. We also have to remember that mammon cannot make us happy, only
serving God can make us truly happy.
He clearly knows Jesus is the Son of God. There is no doubt in his mind. So, having understood that, consider what
he offers Jesus in temptation.
Remember, Jesus has fasted 40 days OF HIS OWN CHOICE; now comes
the devil daring Him to show His Power by turning the stone into bread. This to the Son of He who delivered
manna daily to the Jews in the wilderness for 40 years.
Cast thyself down and let angels
catch thee; this to He who walked on water.
Up to the mountain lookout – Here
is it all yours if you worship me.
This to He who as it says in Psalm 95:
In his hand are all
the corners of the earth; * and the strength of the hills is his also.
The sea is his, and
he made it; * and his hands prepared the dry land.
O come, let us
worship and fall down, * and kneel before the Lord our Maker.
For he is the Lord
our God; * and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand.
The devil promised Jesus nothing
that was his to give, nothing that would help Jesus in the real world beyond
the Shadowlands. He never
does. The devil is all about
shortcuts. Remember, if the
shortcut was the best way, it would not be a shortcut
The temptation of Jesus is no
different than his attempt to tempt us!
The devil never delivers what we need, only what we, in our imperfect
want. Remember as little as the devil
understands of Christ, the same way, as we are in God, so he understands little
of us. He will never offer you
real help. Remember that and the
temptation is ever so much less.
Or, as my grandfather said, “Keep your eye on the
donut, not on the hole”
Be of God - Live of God - Act of God
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Quinquagesima - Sermon - Rev Jack Arnold - Church of the Faithful Centurion - Descanso, California
Find out why the Gladiators by reading the entire AOC Sunday Report which is RIGHT HERE! |
Today’s sermon brought
the Collect, Epistle and Gospel together and is partly contained in the
forewords above.
Consider these words from the
… that all our doings without
charity are nothing worth; Send thy Holy Ghost, and pour into our hearts that
most excellent gift of charity …
In the Collect, we acknowledge to
God that if we have not charity, nothing we do is worth anything; we then ask
Him to send the Holy Ghost into our hearts with the precious gift of
charity. Webster tells us that
Charity is love; universal benevolence; good will; the word which properly
denotes love. What it really means is Love
in Action! Like many areas of our Christian development, we will never
fully get there. But we shall make progress so long as we do not give up! As
Winston Churchhill once said “Never, never, never, never EVER GIVE UP”. So
should we never give up in our Christian development. We may stumble and fall
at times, but if we get up and keep going and return to our Lord, then all will
be well in time.[1]
Properly understood charity is the Love of God, that perfect love, to which man
should aspire. Charity is not giving oodles of money away to an organization,
hoping to make yourself look better, like many modern “philanthropists.” It is
to help people with the love in your heart that Christ and God has given us, to
enable us to act on His behalf here on this Earth. Love is not selfish or wasteful,
but kind and abundant. We are to be agents of good change, not that of bad, and
with Charity, we will act with love towards one another. If we do not have love in our hearts
towards one another, how can we expect to be able to have any positive change
on the world around us?
Paul tells us no matter our
gifts, talents and so called accomplishments, without the Love of God, we are
nothing and have done nothing.
It must be clear to us that our understanding here on earth is limited,
we will never here see the fullness of God’s plan, yet the part most clear is
the love we are to have one for another, to do unto others as we would have
them do unto us, for no reason other than we know that is right so to do. It does not matter to us we will never
see the fullness of His plans, each of us are a small piece of a much bigger
plan. And all of us small pieces work together to fulfill the bigger plan. We
only need to find our part in the plan and act upon that, again with Charity in
our hearts. For if we do not have true love or Charity within our hearts, we
cannot act for God. When Paul talks about God’s great plans, he uses the
phraseology “through a glass, darkly”, which is very interesting inasmuch as CS
Lewis uses a variation to describe earth as compared to heaven. He calls the earth The Shadowlands and
says in heaven all is clear and bright, not dark and muddled as here on
earth. So, here our understanding
is limited, it will not always be so. That will be fulfilled when we pass the
Pearly Gates into heaven, and in order to do that, we have to have faith, and
have good works acted upon with charity. If one of these ingredients are
missing, we are not acting according to what He wants for us. So, we have to
believe with all our heart in God and Christ, and act upon that belief with
great Charity.
As they were coming in to
Jericho, Jesus told the disciples of what was to come, yet they could not grasp
their leader would submit to such treatment on their behalf. He was the Conqueror; in a sense they
were right, He came to conquer death for us, not the Roman Empire. As they went along, they encountered
the blind man who was, like many of us are, blind. His blindness was of the eye, not the heart, he knew the
power of God, and of love. The blind man who wanted his sight and knew Jesus
had The Power. He cried unto the
Lord and was rebuffed by His People.
Did he give up? No, he
cried the more. As we should not
let others discourage us from following the Lord, indeed we should increase our
prayers and serving fervently. When Jesus heard him, he turned and asked what
the man wanted. MY SIGHT! No generalizations, no beating
about. The blind man asked of Him
what he truly wanted. Ask and it
shall be given unto you. The blind
man lacked sight, but not vision.
Nor, it might be added did he lack faith. We should ask God to have to
sight and hearing that we might see, hear and act upon the Word. To some, the
faith he had might seem a blind faith, but it was one that he acted on and
gained what he lacked. Will we
have the faith to act?
True love is Faith, Hope, Charity[2].
Be of God - Live of God - Act of God
To quote Winston
Churchill, “Never give in, never give in, never, never, never-in nothing, great
or small, large or petty - never give in except to convictions of honour
and good sense.” (29 October 1941)
The three Gloster
Gladiator fighters Faith, Hope and Charity defended Malta against the Italian Air Force during the
early part of the siege of Malta in World War II. Legend has it that all three persisted and of the three, Charity never failed.
Sunday, February 8, 2015
Sexagesima Sunday
![]() |
The entire AOC Sunday Report is RIGHT HERE! |
Sermon - Rev Jack Arnold
Church of the Faithful Centurion -
Descanso, California
Today’s sermon brought
the Collect, Epistle and Gospel together and is partly contained in the
forewords above.
Consider these words from the
…put not our trust in any thing
that we do; Mercifully grant that by thy power we may be defended against all
adversity …
In the Collect, we tell God we
put our trust for eternal life not in our actions, but in His Power. If we do this, then we must do as He
asks us. For, to make trust in His
Power rational, we must follow His Direction. If we do not follow His Direction
then we are surely just going be as lost as before we accepted Him into our
hearts. It would be foolish to think that we could guide ourselves, when in
fact we need Him to guide us. The problem is that often, at least in my case,
pride gets in the way of seeing that I/We need to relie on Him for guidance. We
need Him as our navigator to guide us along the rocky paths of life, so we
don’t crash into the rocks of Sin and Death! We need His directions if we are
to proceed upon the path to Heaven.
This squares with what Paul tells
us, that is salvation, honor and glory come not from what we do or have done,
but rather from God. Therefore, we
should turn to Him for guidance and not ourselves. By following His Word that
is where the salvation, honor and glory come from. And that is also to whom we
should give credit and not us. We havn't earned the credit, so we should give
it to whom it is due, that is to God our father. Nothing that we have done as
far as anything good or significant is not from us on our own volition, but
from God. He will guide us through all of our lifes trials, if we let him.
Paul, who as Saul, had been a super star on his way to being the number one
rabbi in the Hebrew nation, he was more learned, more vigorous in following the
law, more vocal in all things.
When he “saw the light” and converted, he took that same approach to
Christianity. No one was more in
any thing than he. He had been the
best of the worst and the best of the best. Now he was keenly aware of how short he himself fell. But even more importantly, he was
keenly aware of the saving perfection of Christ. Because he had been at rock
bottom, he was able to recover, which then brought him to his best, so that he
was aware of the saving power of Christ. From this he could tell us of the
experience of the power of God first hand, using his life as an example of
that. He told us these things not to glory himself, but to show the glory and
honor that comes from on high, from following His Word. He wanted to highlight God’s
saving power and Grace, which had helped him, and show us how it can help us as
well. He wanted us, other Christians to learn from his example and to do their
best to follow Him. Thus he counseled all to take comfort and pride in God, not
themselves. Do your best and look
towards God.
This brings us right in to the
well known Parable of the Sower, which might be better referred to as the
Parable of the Four Soils, for the seeds were all alike.
Like the seed sown by the sower,
The Word is spread throughout the world for all to hear and act on:
Yet, some will not even hear The Word (Hard
Others will hear, act quickly and abandon God’s
help at the first sign of adversity (Stony ground);
Still others will hear The Word, but The Word is
overtaken by the “pleasures” of this world and is choked out by them. Like the line from the Bible, where
your money is, that is your worldly effort, there is the evidence of your
heart. The temptation of this
world is great, the reward from God should be greater, but you have to look
long term;
Finally we come to those who accept and act on
The Word, like the one seed planted growing into a great plant bearing its
fruit, the rewards are manifold, though the effort is also great, the end
reward far greater. For the seed
to grow to full fruition and glory, with its manifold blessings, it must have
the ground prepared, carefully tended against encroachment of the evil weeds,
it must be continually watered by the life blood of those around it. There is much effort required on our
part, but the ultimate reward is so much greater.
While we are on the subject,
consider the issue of weeding. Is
this not part of the reason for the Church, that is to say the body of
believers, to exist. We cannot
often pull our own weeds, but we can help others and they can help us. We
cannot pull our weeds alone, but with help, we can remove them one by one.
Christianity is not a religion of hermits; it is a social religion where we can
help each other. This is why it is
best that believers attend a Bible believing Church, where they can get
valuable friendship and from that friendship, spiritual mentoring for their day
to day lives.
So, think about this, we need to
understand eternal life and indeed on a shorter term, happiness in our life
here, comes not from our self-directed actions, but those of God and our action
following His direction. If we follow our self-directed actions, we will find
death and misery awaiting us. However, if we put our trust in Him and follow
His commands, we will “live long and prosper” to quote Spock. Do your best and
look towards God for the Light to illuminate your path. If you prepare your heart, as the
farmer prepares the field, root out the forces of this world as the farmer
roots out weeds, cultivate the good given by God, water your heart with His
Water, your life will be manifold.
Be of God - Live of God - Act of God
Saturday, February 7, 2015
Why we do what we do
The Bible has what we need and it is that pretty and that simple. Jesus' death on the Cross is the key to our eternal life.
But, what about things?
Why is the Cross no more? Why is the Holy Grail lost to the ages? Why is the Robe likewise gone?
Because they never existed?
They are intentionally gone from this earth because God does not want us to worship things. Things are of this earth, so is the Prince of this World. The prohibition against graven images is telling. Saints? Those who follow Him are all saints. Special saints? Medal of Honor material, examples for us to follow, leaders of us all. Pray to them. To quote Paul, “God forbid!” He wants us to worship Him only - the Holy Trinity - Father - Son and Holy Ghost.
There are no “spells”, magic totems, special words or gestures. There is one way, Einbahnstraße. No one has the key to heaven, only ONE has that key.
Liturgy? It is our way of worship. Can you worship properly non-liturgically. I suppose so, I cannot; it is a personal failing of mine. I need the help of others of like mind to focus my heart.
The Anglican church was the first of the churches formed, well before Rome, Antioch or the like. Its focus was on God, not expanding its power, thus it did not look for earthly power. When the invading horde came with the “real” Roman church, it was defiled. The Reformation simply returned the Church in the land of the Angles to its pre-defiled state. Nothing more, nothing less.
All these people who want sell a secret that only they know are at best charlatans, at worst active recruiters for the Devil. Remember the words of GL Chesterton:
Christianity has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult and not tried.
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Four Chaplains Day – Seventy-Two Years ago today
On the frigid night of 3 February
1943, the fully laden Allied ship USAT Dorchester, carrying 902 servicemen,
plowed through the dark waters near Greenland.
At 0100, a National Socialist
submarine fired a torpedo into the transport's flank, killing many in the
explosion and trapping others below deck.
It sank in 27 minutes. The
water temperature was 28°F, time of useful consciousness was measured in
seconds, not minutes. Everyone on
board knew that.
The two escort ships, Coast
Guard cutters Comanche & Escanaba, were able to rescue only 231 survivors.
Navy Chaplain Lieutenants Fox, Poling, Goode and
In the chaos of fire, smoke, oil
and ammonia, four chaplains calmed the sailors and distributed lifejackets:
Lt. George L.
Fox, Methodist;
Lt. Clark V.
Poling, Dutch Reformed;
Lt. John P. Washington,
Roman Catholic;
Lt. Alexander
D. Goode, Jewish.
When there were no more
lifejackets, the four chaplains ripped off their own lifejackets and put them
on four young men.
As the ship went down, survivors
floating in rafts could see the four chaplains linking arms and bracing
themselves on the slanting deck.
They bowed their heads in prayer as they sank to their icy deaths.
Congress honored them by
declaring this "Four Chaplains Day."
On 7 February 1954, President
Dwight Eisenhower spoke from the White House in support of the American Legion
Back-to-God Program:
And we remember that, only a
decade ago, aboard the transport Dorchester, four chaplains of four faiths
together willingly sacrificed their lives so that four others might live.
the three centuries that separate the Pilgrims of the Mayflower from the
chaplains of the Dorchester, America's freedom, her courage, her strength, and
her progress have had their foundation in faith.
Today as then, there is need for
positive acts of renewed recognition that faith is our surest strength, our
greatest resource.
This “Back to God” movement is such a positive
Whatever our individual church, whatever our personal creed, our common
faith in God is a common bond among us...
Together we thank the Power that has
made and preserved us a nation. By the millions, we speak prayers, we sing
hymns and no matter what their words may be, their spirit is the same-”In God
is Our Trust. As a former soldier,
I am delighted that our veterans are sponsoring a movement to increase our
awareness of God in our daily lives. In battle, they learned a great truth-that
there are no atheists in the foxholes."
Quite a distance from that time
and place to “Whatever we once were, we are no longer a Christian nation,” BH
Sunday, February 1, 2015
![]() |
The full Sunday Report is RIGHT HERE! |
Sermon - Rev Jack Arnold
Church of the Faithful Centurion -
Descanso, California
Today’s sermon brought
the Collect, Epistle and Gospel together and is partly contained in the
forewords above.
Consider these words from the
… we, who are justly punished for
our offences, may be mercifully delivered by thy goodness …
In the Collect, we ask God who knows we should be “…justly
punished for our offences, may be mercifully delivered by thy goodness, for the
glory of thy Name; through Jesus Christ our Saviour …” To get into heaven we need to be
accounted as perfect. Yet, we
cannot be “cured” of sin nor “improved” to perfection. So how do we solve this
irregularity? We are imperfect creatures with free will, the most confounding
combination ever created for salvation.
We know we ourselves cannot solve our dilemma, Who can? There is a solution for us! Consider the words of John Newton near
the end of his life, “Although my memory's fading, I remember two things very
clearly: I am a great sinner and Christ is a great Savior!” The answer lies in the
latter part of Newton’s quote. Our sins are justly punished by eternal
damnation, yet there is hope in our Lord.
For eternal salvation is the delivery promised to each of us by Jesus. This is the reward of the race we run
here on earth. Our race is for
that eternal prize, not just, as they say, filthy lucre. It is the complete opposite of filthy
lucre and an extremely pure one. It is for the promise of an eternal, unending
life, to be spent with our Lord and Savior Jesus. It is for the promise of a world
unaffected by the tarnish of sin, unblackened by the sinful deeds of imperfect
beings. It is an unshadowed world.
It shall be true happiness at last, to meet with our beloved family, our
Christian heavenly family, friends and beloved pets.
Eternal salvation is a far more valuable prize than
anything we could possibly acquire here on Earth. It is in fact a priceless treasure, truly priceless, except
for the death of our Saviour and resurrection. That is the only price involved
with our eternal freedom. We have to keep this foremost in our thoughts as we
continue to run the race set before us!
Keep the eyes on the prize, as it were! As my grandfather was fond of saying, “Keep your eye on the
doughnut, not the hole.” That
means keeping the important things in sight at all times, excluding the
Particularly when things get hard, we must keep our
end goal fixed firmly in our mind’s eye in order to stay on the path. In order
to stay focused on the path, we must always remember that the end, the arrival
in Heaven will outweigh all of the sacrifices, blood, sweat and tears we shed
in this life. Paul assures us our efforts will give us a reward greater than
even our pitiful minds can imagine, if we but stay the course.
Our eyes should be focused on the finish line, not
our “competition.” The only thing
which counts is that we each cross the finish line.
So how do we run the race?
With our eyes focused tightly on the finish line, not
on those around us, wondering are they doing better than we are? That is not a useful question. The useful question is, “Am I doing the
best I can?” And, remember this is a Team Effort. We have to want to win, and
in order to win the race set before us; we have to perform actions. We need to
act upon the Word of Scripture, the message, which is to promote the Gospel of
Jesus Christ and preach it to all nations, as in the Great Commandment. But we
must first start with our neighbors and work our way outward. It must be a team
effort, we cannot all do it alone. We need support along the way, especially
when things get tough, we need our Christian buddies to give us moral support
and encouragement from the Word.
We want the Christian Team to win.
If an outsider joins, they join the team fully from then on. We need to give each team member all
the help we can. A deathbed[1]
conversion gains the same prize in the end as a life long Christian. The life long Christian will have had
the more rewarding life here on earth, but eternity is a long time after that.
So, with that in mind, we must DO our best and not just say it, and we do that
by acting upon the Word and not just reading it, but acting.
We are all so far from perfect that Holier than Thou
is pretty damning praise. Don’t
even go there. The best you can really
do is not to be as evil as another, even that is pretty doubtful. But, we can
do our best for our Lord and that is what really matters.
The Gospel for today, the very important parable of
the vineyard, also gives us very good advice on the conduct of our daily lives
and contains a crucial key to happiness.
There is the lesson that the deathbed conversion gains the same prize of
eternal life as the lifelong follower, but there is a lot more in it for every
day life.
It is a fine lesson in “buyer’s remorse” or coveting
of jobs or similar concepts. If
you got a good deal, it does not change because someone else got a “better”
deal. Take what you got, go forth
and be happy. Don’t complain
because somebody else got the same deal as you did sooner. Other meanings
abound. For a very direct
application, what this means is “cradle” Christians are no more likely to go to
heaven than this morning’s convert.
They just get to enjoy the Christian experience longer. So let us not begrudge those who are
newly converted, but let us rejoice that they have been saved! As Christ said,
we should rejoice that one sinner has repented of his ways! One note, if you wait until the last
minute to join the gang, your time here might end before you get around to
it. So don’t wait until tomorrow to act, do it today while you
still have time!
Sometimes people act like being a Christian is an
unpleasant experience that they will do when they get a round TUIT. It is not. Christians aren’t perfect, they just have more fun being
imperfect and imperfectly trying to improve!
Christ gave us eternal life. But, we have to accept it. Once you accept it, start living as if
you will live forever. You will
and you will have to live with your actions for ever! So Act early and Act
There is but one way to heaven.
That easy to find, easy to
follow, easy to hike path does not lead to the summit where eternal life in the
real world awaits. Open your heart
to the Holy Ghost, use His Power to follow our Lord to God who awaits in
Heaven is at the end of an
uphill trail. The easy downhill
trail does not lead to the summit.
The time is now, not tomorrow. The time has come, indeed. How will you ACT?
It is by our actions we are known.
Be of God - Live of God - Act of God
Of course, you must
consider that overshooting a deathbed conversion will result in no conversion,
thus no eternal life. Convert
earlier than needed rather than later than needed. My dad talks of a bombing range in England, Cowden, on the
edge of a cliff. If you dropped
short, you got a score. If you
dropped long, you missed the whole country. Same idea here.
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